Monday, December 13, 2010


Wow! where did the last 4 years go? It seems like yesterday we were saying our goodbyes to family and friends to head off into a far and distant land. Ok, so maybe it wasn't that far and distant but heading off to a Bible School in Wisconsin was a bit of a stretch for us. Now we find our training coming to an end as we finish the semester here at New Tribes Missionary Training Center in a small town called Roach, Missouri. As I look back at where we were as a couple and family it amazes me to see God's hand in it all. We have nothing at all to offer him and yet he still chooses to use us for His glory! What a privilege it is to serve God and live amongst his people, getting encouragement and discipleship with fellow believers, this is something I will miss living on a close knit campus.

Our Plans: We will be graduating Dec. 22nd and planning to stay another semester while Travis takes a Tech course. Our girls will finish up the school year and then we plan on traveling back to Nebraska sometime in June. We are allowing ourselves a year to work on Partnership Development so we can be over and serving in our ministry in Papua New Guinea by May of 2012. We gladly appreciate your prayers during this time and would love to hear from you!