Saturday, March 3, 2012

Lotu (Church)

Today we went to a nearby Pisin Church.  As we walked up the hill we could hear voices singing out loud.  As we approached the Church, ladies came to greet us and shook our hands and I even got a kiss on the cheek.   They were so happy we had come to visit their Church.  They told us that they were having Sunday School at that moment and the kids could go inside and sing.  We all walked in and it was so beautiful.  I could actually understand some of the words they were singing and all the kids were so happy to sing as loud as they could!  We sat in the back and listened and then joined in on some of the songs we could understand.  One of the songs I loved the most went something like this: "Jesus is the winner side, winner side, winner side, I want to be on the winner side, Hosannna Jesus is the only way, the Bikpela God bilong me."   Pastor Jeremiah is a believer but the Church is small.  There were only 4 ladies and the rest children attending his church.  Please be in prayer that the men of these women would start attending as well as other men in the village.  Today he taught on John chapter 3 where Jesus tells Nicodemus he has to be born again to enter the Kingdom of God.  He talked about the wind and how we do not know where it comes from but we know it's there. He also talked about how a snake sheds its skin and has new skin and related it to being born again by leaving the old ways and following God. After church I met a lady named Susan who told us that we need to come visit on Saturday and she will teach us more Pisin and we can work in her garden and she will teach us.  As they walked us home we stopped at Pastor Jeremiah's garden and he gave us two pumpkins which we call squash in the states.  I have to say this was a very enjoyable time for all of us and we look forward to more opportunities to spend time with them.

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