Tuesday, June 19, 2012


Life got busy and so did we! You may have not heard from us in awhile but we are still alive!  Last month many things occurred all within a few days to a few weeks of each other so now I am trying to catch up on things I pushed off.  In the month of May our generator was showing signs it might be on it's last leg, then the day came when it finally died.  We use this generator for many things, all of our houses are powered by it.  Our fridges, lights, water all work when the generator runs but when it turns off we switch to battery banks, which each home has here.  Our battery banks are not new, the generator when it is running will charge the battery banks so they will work at night for lights, fridge, etc. So, as you might have figured when the generator died, the lights, electricity died as well.  Water was also on limited use for us until we figured out what we would do.  While the guys were working on a plan I was dealing with a whole different issue with the Lord.  During this time I found a lump in my breast and became overwhelmed with emotions on top of the emotions of not knowing how we would live without the generator.  I had to rely on God in a way I never had before.  I couldn't understand what was happening but came to the realization I don't need to. I gave God my life and know that whatever he Allows I can rest in that.  Also during this time, one morning Travis was moving our German Shepherd from one fenced in area to another and he let him walk back without having a leash on him, well he saw our kitten on the front porch and he took off after it and killed it.  I thought at this point I couldn't take anymore excitement but there was more on the way!!!!  A few days went by and I noticed water backing up in the sink and shower and the toilet was acting funny.  That night when Sierra went to take a shower black stuff came up the drain.  Travis said he would take a look at it in the morning thinking it was a clogged drain.  The next morning as I got the kids ready and off to school, Travis went up into the village and I was home getting in some alone time with God.  I went back and used the toilet, as I left the bathroom I heard a gushing of water flowing from that direction.  There was such a force I cannot compare it to anything other than an explosion in the toilet.  Within seconds water and .... yes that stuff filled our bathroom floor, and was flowing into our bedroom.  Luckily I was able to get most of the stuff picked up off the floor and grab my phone to call Travis.  He got home and the work began all morning, day, night.  We worked on this septic issue for the next week trying to figure out what was going on. Finally we found the clog and pulled out what looked like a shirt that had been flushed down the toilet!!!!  Not from us, but apparently someone who lived there before us at some point had flushed a shirt?..... This was not the only solution to the problem, there was a pipe that needed to be moved and the septic pumped.  We had a few guys helping Travis pump it while he dug a huge pit in our back yard to bury it in.  It is now June and we believe the septic issue is solved, the generator was taken to Lae and is fixed until our new one arrives.  The doctor did and ultrasound on me and all indications show the lump to be cystic and it has since gone away, and one of my village friends gave me a kitten from her cats litter.  Life has not been dull here in PNG but I am thankful for all the opportunities God has given us to Trust Him and to Know Him!

1 comment:

  1. Not fun at the time, but makes for exciting stories to tell, huh? :) I'm glad things are getting worked out with all those issues and glad you're using the opportunities to trust the Lord and grow in Him! Keep strong!
