Monday, September 10, 2012

A Glimpse Into My Life

Birds chirping, dogs barking, cat meowing, light shining into the bedroom window.  Alarm goes off, it's 6:00 am and I slowly roll out of bed.  I drag myself to the kitchen to start making lunches for the girls day at school, then I grab some toast and lather it with peanut butter sometimes putting a few banana slices on top. Laundry is overflowing, I start the washing machine. Dishes fill the sink.  I heat the water on the stove for washing them, and hurry my girls off to school. My hair is a wreck, I'm still in my pj's and I have strong coffee breath. I head towards my bedroom looking down at the folded clothes that still need to be put away. I throw on a shirt and skirt and head to the bathroom for a much needed makeover. I hear a tap at my door and someone calling my name. I head to the door with eyeliner on one eye and my hair pulled back. My village friend has come to visit me.  We story outside for awhile and then I hear a beep, my clothes are done.  I fill up the laundry basket and head towards the clothes line.  The sun is covered by clouds, I think to myself...I wonder if it's going to rain?  I continue hanging up clothes but I'm beckoned by the ring of my phone.  I hurry inside to answer and no one is there. Traces of mud and crumbs catch my eye on the floor so I start sweeping.  At last a few minutes to sit and relax, just me and God.  Barking, barking, my dog alerts me someone is here to see me. Another friend from the village has come to visit Travis. I story a little and my stomach sings out. 12:00 it's time for lunch!  I look to see if I have leftovers or meat thawed out...nothing.  Looks like it's going to be peanut butter and jelly again. Table is set, Travis and I enjoy our PBJ's we talk about our day and find a few moments to check emails. Phone rings, dogs bark, tapping at the door.  Time to get back to work. Dishes in the sink as I close the door behind me. Praying it doesn't rain as I walk up the hill to do office work. Internet is down, computer is froze and I hear rain tapping on the roof. Down the hill I go, my cat welcomes me as she rubs her back across my legs. Laundry basket full, clothes are damp as I set them on the dryer. I glance at the time 3:45 pm I anxiously await until 4:00 when the generator turns on. I hear a truck, the girls are back from school. Hungry and tired they collapse on the couch, book bags on the floor. It's 4:00, I throw the clothes in the dryer and hear my kids calling out "what's for snack."  Nothing is made, I slab some peanut butter on graham crackers and call it good. The door shuts and I see my girls hurrying off to play with their friends. A mud clot catches my eye and I grab the broom. What's for dinner? I glance in the fridge tortillas, left over meat....Tacos! It's 6:00 the door opens and Travis walks in. The table is set, Sierra prays and we pass the food around as we share about our day. Dishes in sink and on counter, Brookes night for washing. Sierra starts her homework, Travis relaxes, I scrape remaining food into a tupperware bowl. The sound of a clarinet comes from Sierra's room and Brooke begins practicing her flute. Travis is checking email, internet is slow. Sierra hollers to her dad, it's a math question so I thank God he is able to help her. I sit on the couch checking emails and I hear the shower. It's 9:00 and the girls are off to bed, my eyes growing heavier and heavier I look over at Travis and he is asleep in the chair. Lights go off, dog barks and a new day begins!

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