Monday, March 7, 2011

Making Sense vs. God Factor

Hey Friends,
It has been a while since my last update to the blog.   Things have been well different.  We moved back home after about 4 years of being involved in education and training daily.  After being around hundreds of people who are all on the same mindset and playing field, all pursing a carrier in missions in remote tribal areas and who are all for the most part seeking and trusting God for all of their needs,  Well crazy as it sounds that was comfortable and if you will, Home for us.  You could say we are outside the New Tribes bubble and it is different.  I think there was some sort of blind desire that everyone would welcome and embrace what we have committed our lives to.  More than that, I think we thought that Christians in general would understand what the Lord was doing in our lives.  The reality is, that is not the way it is.  The question is now is that OK?  Please don't take this the wrong way for I am not trying to be critical of any one who is not a New Triber or involved in missions.  This is not about what everyone else does or does not do or understand.  This is how God is showing me to trust Him.  Often I find myself depending on what people do or think about me.  You know, am I living my life in a manner that will meet the expectations someone may have of a missionary? Maybe comparing myself to all those I serve with and seeing all their strengths and looking at myself and finding that I don't measure up.  As I look forward to what the Lord has been preparing me and my family for I wonder how God is going to pull it all together.  More so who is God going to use to impact my life.  Funny I always pray and ask for opportunities to impact the lives of those around me for Him.  More than not God is using people around me to change my walk with Him.  Getting back to the title of this little rabbit trail.  Making sense: how often do we try to figure out and make sense out of the circumstances that we are in.  For example:  I told one of my closest friends that it was awesome to see God raise our financial support 6% this last month.  Now logic would look at this and say ok Travis you have 10 months left before you leave for the field and if you only increase 6% per month for the next 10 months that is only 60%.  That means we would only be at 72% and would be underfunded and not able to leave for the field.  That makes sense right... but when is the last time that God worked things out in our lives that way.  Here is my reasoning behind my thinking.  God factor: true if we saw our support raise lets say 10% each month right on schedule we would be at 100% when its time to go.  God factor: or what if the Lord provides what we need each month as we work through our time before we depart and when it comes time for financial increase you see it.  Meaning this, I think God will impact more people when they see Christians living out their faith and trusting Him for what they need when they need it, instead of working with logic and living out what God has told us to do only when it makes sense.  I was reminded this week as I read through Daniel that there is a spiritual battle going on that we do not visually see.  The Lord sent a messanger to Daniel but was delayed some time due to the fact he was at war with the spirit of Persia. Gabriel was sent to help him out so that the messenger could reach Daniel.  Often I pray and look for the answer in a short while but the reality is, there is a spiritual battle going on.  What the Lord has asked of us and you as well is not what the enemy wants to see happen.  Satan is doing everything he can to prevent Christians from following and trusting the Lord.  How often do we help him out by trying to make sense of everything and therefore missing out on the God factor.  Truly missing out on the blessing God has in store for us because we allow the battle to end long before it ever begins.  I encourage you all this week to take a break from what logic says and trust the Lord with something.  Be on the look out for the God Factor you don't want to miss it.

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