Monday, November 14, 2011

His Power in our Weakness

Last night we had dinner with a couple and were so blown away by their wisdom.  God has taken them both through some pretty difficult times and yet they don't show resentment towards God.  I just sat there listening to their stories and wondering where I would be at in my relationship with the Lord if these things happened to me.  God is Good and Just no matter what the circumstances are, this is what I have said for years but after hearing that this guys previous wife died then shortly after her mother and then his son gets in a car wreck and is paralyzed from the neck down, I wonder if I would let that hinder my relationship with Him or allow it to grow stronger.  We have so much to learn and usually God uses those difficult times in our life to really see Him in the midst of the pain, because we can't and don't know how to cope on our own. We turn to many things to numb it but nothing lasts.  We go to extremes to find the answers for our pain, anywhere but God.  Why is this? I believe it is because we want answers quick and we don't want to be uncomfortable too long.  With God we may not see that our prayers are being answered and so we lose heart and turn somewhere else because we believe it didn't work.  I was reminded last night that God's grace is sufficient for me and His power is made perfect in my weakness.  When we are at our end and we cannot change things that is when God's power can be shown in us.  When people can see that it is not of us and no other explanation but God, that is when His power is made perfect in our weakness.  Thank you God for reminding me of you Grace and Power!

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