Friday, December 16, 2011

His Timing is Perfect!

Wow! I can't believe we are almost ready to leave!  I remember when we left Missouri and I thought, How am I ever going to make it a year doing Partnership Development?  Now we are nearing the end of December and we are scheduled to leave January 2012!  This journey has had it's ups and downs, back and forth and us hanging on for the ride.  Looking back I still would not change a thing.  God knows what is best for us and He has us in the palm of his hand.  It is never easy to trust when things are uncomfortable but I will tell you that if you do, it is the Most Rewarding!!!!!

I want to recap this years prayers:
For our support of 35% to grow to 75%
For tupperware/ clothing/ tools/ etc. to live overseas
Finances for plane tickets
Finances for shots
Finances for washer/dryer
Finances for 1st month set up costs
Finances for vehicle

Answer to Prayers:  God has answered all of these prayers and all needs have been taken care of!!!  God did it all and even more, he raised our support to a current 84%! and He gets all the Glory! These prayers we did not see answered right away, but our faith in God and what He could do was grown in the meantime.  We want to thank all of you, who are playing a part in supporting this ministry and want you to know that we understand that trusting God isn't easy for many things including finances.  God will bless you for taking this step of faith and will grow your faith in the process. Thanks for allowing us to share with each of you!

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