Thursday, January 6, 2011

Assurance and Comfort found in Him!

Why does fear grip us so.  This has been something I have struggled with even though I know what is said about fear.  My life verse is Philippians 4:6 " Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition with thanksgiving present your requests to God." The “anxious” part is what grabs me.  Often I find myself fearing not what answer God will give, but when will He give it.  We know that God will always answer our prayers.  We know He does not always answer the way we desire.  But what do we know about when will He answer.  Here is what I mean.  I have signed up to take the Tech course here at MTC.  It starts January 18th and it requires and substantial down payment which we do not have.  I have sought wise counsel and have spent time in prayer over this.  The reality is we either have to have the money buy January 18th or pack up and move back to Nebraska and start our partnership development.  All counsel advised we stay and take the course, logic says stay and take the course, and God has never told me not to take the course.  So after looking at all things we have decided to stay and continue on with schooling.  But when will God confirm this is what He wants.  I want Him to either give us the funds needed or tell me to go so that we can get on with things.  Fear of not knowing what the future holds grabs me and the anxiety sets in.  As I continue to say O.K. Travis its about faith.  Faith is not whats in the past or present but what is unseen in the future.  Ya that definitely seems to be my issue, I think.  Again I know God will answer and I would be great with either answer its just the not knowing when He will answer.  I find myself trying to put God back in this little box and seeking Him to function in a time line.   Why won't He just answer now!! or We have to have an answer by the 15th or I will have to take control, Again.  Even though I know from the past that it never works out when I try to take control.  So here I am waiting for God to answer and give me clear direction.  After reading though a short devotion this morning I saw God confirm a few things.  Things I need to hear today.  "God does not open paths for us before we come to them, or provide help before help is needed.  He does not remove obstacles out of our way before we reach them.  Yet when we are at our point of need, God's hand is outstretched."  This is just a writers opinion but yet it challenged me to this thought.  I am worrying, fearful and anxious over not having the funds to make this down payment now.  We are still a half a month away from needing the funds.  I am finding myself faithless in many cases.  I know from the past especially the last 4 years the Lord has Never and I mean Never failed in providing.  I just had to smile as I read through scripture today and just find the peace and rest that is overflowing in being a child of Christ.  Why waist today worrying about tomorrow when we can enjoy the day and grow in our faith.  So we live today putting God in the center and thank Him for yesterday and as for tomorrow, well if we live to see it we know that God will stretch out His hand and bless us with the grace we need.

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